Thursday, March 5, 2009

Dead Connection

The characters of this story finally started to come together. The lawman, Gates, was looking for a high school girl, Nikki Parker, who was disappeared after she left school one day. He looked for someone who might have seen what happened to her on that day, and he found Robert. However, Gates realized that Robert had Schizophrenia and Methamphetamine, and Robert kept forgetting things might be as a result of the medicine he was taking. Gates tried to contact him and help him remember. Accidentally, Robert finally remember that the girl was staying in a car with a man and the man had hit her really hard. On the other side, Murray became a friend with Pearl. Because of his special ability, Murray heard a strange voice and found out that Nikki got killed and was buried in another man's tomb. The story is getting more interesting and I really want to know what would happen next. I think Murray was going to help Gates found out the murder of the girl. On the other hand, I wonder what the author is going to tell us about Billup, a character that seems meaningless in the story so far.

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