Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Vast Hell

Henry was sitting in his living room. One of his server came up to him and gave him an envelop. Henry took the letter, and looked at the part where it said "From Mr. Francis". He frowned and stared at the delicate handwriting. "Who is this?" He asked himself. He could not came up with any images of the man, but he could tell this man must be eminent from the elegant paper. As he opened the envelop, he realized that it was an invitation to come to this man's party in his house with different collectors, and unquestionably, this man was a collector. "Interesting," Henry thought, and he wondered what would happen in this party.

On the day the letter mentioned, Henry got off from the carriage. He looked up and see a magnificent mansion filling with lights. With an admirable smile, Henry held the letter tightly and walked pass the gate. An old servent opened the door and led Henry into a parlor where about ten people wandering around. Each of the gentleman or lady looked at Henry as he walked into the room. "Eventually the last one has come," a man with a handsome apparel smiled. Soon after, the other people introduced themselves and Henry noticed that there was a common thing among all these people -- they were collectors. "What's your collection?" One of the woman asked. "Vases," Henry laughed, and he asked "anyone knows Mr. Francis?" It was quiet for a moment, then everyone was shaking their heads saying that they have no idea. Henry looked back at the door, the servent stood there sternly and lift one hand pointing at a direction,"Mr. Francis invite ladies and gentlemen to have some tea, and he will meet you soon". The old man led the group into another fancy room. Henry sat down with a man and continued their conversation. However, he realized that some people were missing, but he didn't know who they were. He didn't mention it to the men until the servent led them again to their bedrooms. As the door was closed, Henry took a breath. He knew he went to a place he shouldn't go, but he had no clue how to get out of the mansion. He knew he had to try it, so he put his right ear next to the door to check there was no one around. He quietly open the door, and walked to his left trying to find a way to the gate. After walking three floors and go through several doors. He was shock with what in front of him -- hundreds of gravestones was standing on the floor. "Welcome," a man voice went through Henry's ear. Henry was shock, and he slowly turned his head to where the voice came. "Your collection is gravestones? Mr. Francis?" Henry's voice was trembling. "Not exactly, my collection is people's lifes," the man grinned. Right after what Mr. Francis said, an ax was swung toward Henry's head.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Wednesday, March 25, 2009


Robert came to the forest for woods. While carrying the woods, he tripped himself and lost consciousness. He didn’t know how long it had been when he could feel the green light penetrated the leaves again. He was still closing his eyes, but put his hand to feel the pain on his head. Suddenly, he noticed something blocked the light and opened his eye to see if there was an animal next to him. It was a beast that he couldn't tell what it is. He could see the its teeth with hunger. Robert stood up immediately and walked backward slowly while he was still looking at the beast. While he was focusing on the eyes of the beast, he crash to something. It was a woman, who dressed differently from him, smiling at him. The woman sl0wly walked in front of Robert, faced the beast, saying something that Robert didn't understand. After listening to the woman, the beast turned around and disappeared from Robert's sight. He thanked her and invited her to go to his house to have dinner with his family. She only nodded and he figured she could not speak. The second day, everybody in the town heard that the woman has a special power. They thought she was a fairy and everybody asked her doing a favor. Robert's house became so crowdy everyday. People brought food to thank her, and Robert was pleased that he did not have to worry about the shortage of food anymore.
However, one day, Robert saw his neighbor left hishouse with food. Her eyes were filled with anger and disappointment. Then he knew, the fairy had lost her power. People stopped coming to his house and there was a rumor that the fairy actually was only a human living in the forest. Robert's family gradually went out of food and he could not keep this woman in his house anymore. He told her to leave the house. Still quietly, she left his house and walked back to the forest. Robert still went to the forest everyday, as nothing had happened.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009


Before you open your eyes, you are deciding what you should do for the day. You can feel the sunshine through the window and you know you have passed the time you usually get up. You don't feel well since last night, so staying home seems to be your better choice than taking two tests in school. You open your eyes and stare at the ceiling for minutes. The house is quiet. Your parents have left for work. When you go home, you just stay in your room almost the rest of the day. No wonder you mom sometimes complains she only sees you during dinner. You stretch and clear everything in your mind.

You leave your room, and the corner of your right eye notices that your parents's room is open while you are walking to the kitchen. It's usually closed, so you go back and grab the handle. Suddenly, you realized that the room has changed. You may ask yourself when is your last time go into the room, "weeks ago?"you can't answer it. You go into the room, look around, and sit on a chair.

You hold one of the pictures next to you. "It's a new picture," you tell yourself. You stare at the picuture, your dad, your mom, and you are smiling in that picture. But where did you take it? You are trying to think back, but nothing is coming up. You know when you took this picture this time, the answer is a long time ago. You finally smile, with bitterness.

You stand up, you have made another decision. Since your parents always make fun of your cooking skills, you are going to prove they are wrong. And you and your parents can sit together and talk more about the food , and of course, not only during the dinner.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Map Poem

He hears a strange sound
He follows it and stops
In front of him is a quiet tombstone
He takes a deep breath and touches the cold stone
Suddenly, he let go the stone and starts crying
The stone is quiet, as nothing has happened

He hears a girl's voice saying "He killed me!"
He is shock and scared
He wants the others understanding what is happening
But nobody can
He feels he is a paper sack filled with sadness and fear
He feels bad for the death of the girl
He feels sad for his loneliness of his life

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Dead Connection

The characters of this story finally started to come together. The lawman, Gates, was looking for a high school girl, Nikki Parker, who was disappeared after she left school one day. He looked for someone who might have seen what happened to her on that day, and he found Robert. However, Gates realized that Robert had Schizophrenia and Methamphetamine, and Robert kept forgetting things might be as a result of the medicine he was taking. Gates tried to contact him and help him remember. Accidentally, Robert finally remember that the girl was staying in a car with a man and the man had hit her really hard. On the other side, Murray became a friend with Pearl. Because of his special ability, Murray heard a strange voice and found out that Nikki got killed and was buried in another man's tomb. The story is getting more interesting and I really want to know what would happen next. I think Murray was going to help Gates found out the murder of the girl. On the other hand, I wonder what the author is going to tell us about Billup, a character that seems meaningless in the story so far.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

How to Become a Tutor

You got a call from a friend, who is in college. She told you that her aunt is looking for a tutor for her children and if you want to get the job. You had never taught anybody before, but you thought it was not bad to get your first job as a tutor. Consequently, you said "yes." Even though your mom told you that you can handle it, you were nervous, because you had not dealt with children that much. You didn't even know if you liked kids or not.
On the first day, you saw the two little girls, and you thought they were cute. You had conversations with them. They told you about their friends and what they liked. "Boring," you thought. But later you told yourself that it was that not that bad. "Be nice and smile," you told yourself. However, after months, the class was not that exciting anymore. Things began to be out of your control. Although you had told them at least three times about the same word, they still could not explain it, or they did not want to know it. They always got tired and fell asleep, then you finally understand how your high school teachers felt when they saw their students were sleeping in their class. You sometimes got annoyed when the children always asked you to go to the bathroom. You really wanted to write down the knowledge on their heads. They sometimes said they did not want to have the class or do anything. Sometimes they just ignored what you told them to do.
You sometimes complained to your friends that you didn't like what the kids did to you, and you didn't understand why you were wasting your precious time on the job you did not like. One day, you noticed that you didn't have that much time for tutoring anymore, and there was a word in your head, "quit." However, you were hesitated. You were struggling, but you did not know why. One day, you went to tutor as usual, and you saw the smiles on the children's faces when you were having fun in class. You smiled back at them. At that time, you realized that you would miss your job and your students.