Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Book Response

The book that I am reading now is called Dead Connection, by Charlie Price. The story starts with a boy, Murray, introducing his best friends, who are dead. He can talk to them and see how they look like. However, in the next chapter, the author changes first person piont of view into third person point of view to tell another person's life. At the beginning, it is confusing because Price keeps changing the scene every chapter, and there are about four or five main characters coming up, but all of them are not related to each other. Just as the title, every character does not have a pleasant life; as a result, it creates a gloomy atmosphere. Murray is the main character who is lonely since his mom does not care about him and he does not have friend in high school. What he always does is talking with his "best friends", and cemetery is like his second home. Pearl is the daughter of the man who works at the cemetery, but her mom is dead. Billup is a public affairs officer who always drinks a lot. Robert Compton has his job and lives in a residence hotel, but he does not have friends and he has some mental problems. Gates is a law man who loses his son, and he does not know what causes his son's death. I know it is not that interesting as I expect, but I will keep reading and hope that the story will become better.

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