Thursday, February 26, 2009

How to Become a Tutor

You got a call from a friend, who is in college. She told you that her aunt is looking for a tutor for her children and if you want to get the job. You had never taught anybody before, but you thought it was not bad to get your first job as a tutor. Consequently, you said "yes." Even though your mom told you that you can handle it, you were nervous, because you had not dealt with children that much. You didn't even know if you liked kids or not.
On the first day, you saw the two little girls, and you thought they were cute. You had conversations with them. They told you about their friends and what they liked. "Boring," you thought. But later you told yourself that it was that not that bad. "Be nice and smile," you told yourself. However, after months, the class was not that exciting anymore. Things began to be out of your control. Although you had told them at least three times about the same word, they still could not explain it, or they did not want to know it. They always got tired and fell asleep, then you finally understand how your high school teachers felt when they saw their students were sleeping in their class. You sometimes got annoyed when the children always asked you to go to the bathroom. You really wanted to write down the knowledge on their heads. They sometimes said they did not want to have the class or do anything. Sometimes they just ignored what you told them to do.
You sometimes complained to your friends that you didn't like what the kids did to you, and you didn't understand why you were wasting your precious time on the job you did not like. One day, you noticed that you didn't have that much time for tutoring anymore, and there was a word in your head, "quit." However, you were hesitated. You were struggling, but you did not know why. One day, you went to tutor as usual, and you saw the smiles on the children's faces when you were having fun in class. You smiled back at them. At that time, you realized that you would miss your job and your students.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Book Response

The book that I am reading now is called Dead Connection, by Charlie Price. The story starts with a boy, Murray, introducing his best friends, who are dead. He can talk to them and see how they look like. However, in the next chapter, the author changes first person piont of view into third person point of view to tell another person's life. At the beginning, it is confusing because Price keeps changing the scene every chapter, and there are about four or five main characters coming up, but all of them are not related to each other. Just as the title, every character does not have a pleasant life; as a result, it creates a gloomy atmosphere. Murray is the main character who is lonely since his mom does not care about him and he does not have friend in high school. What he always does is talking with his "best friends", and cemetery is like his second home. Pearl is the daughter of the man who works at the cemetery, but her mom is dead. Billup is a public affairs officer who always drinks a lot. Robert Compton has his job and lives in a residence hotel, but he does not have friends and he has some mental problems. Gates is a law man who loses his son, and he does not know what causes his son's death. I know it is not that interesting as I expect, but I will keep reading and hope that the story will become better.

Monday, February 23, 2009

How I Feel About Reading

I do not have an opinion for reading. I like reading sometimes, and it depends on the material. When I read a book and its story line is so interesting that i cannot help stop reading. I just want to know what will happen next. If this situation happens, I may spend all my time to read it. However, not many books can make me forget eating and sleeping. If the book is very boring, I will give up reading and end up with doing something else. I think people read is because they can get information and knowledge while they are reading the words on paper. Some people may think that watching TV and movies are much better than just reading some words; nevertheless, reading gives you the ability to use your imagination to view things. Even though people see the exact words from a story, they will have a different scene in their head, since every body has different experience and interests. I personally think that reading is a good way to explore more about the world and we are benefited from it.